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Washington GIS Association

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The WAGISA Board has made a limited number of scholarships available to interested students. If you are looking to

apply for a scholarship, please complete the Student Scholarship Application by Friday, May 31.

Dick Thomas Award Details

This award was established in 2006 to honor Washington State GIS pioneer and mentor Richard “Dick” Thomas. The intent of this award is to honor Dick by continuing his work of encouraging students to present their original research in GIS, geography, or a related discipline at the annual Washington GIS Conference.

The competition has three parts:

1.   Abstract Submission

Using the form below, students submit a succinct abstract (no more than 300 words) describing their original work in GIS or a related field. Abstracts will be accepted from April 1 to April 30, 2024Each abstract may have up to three co-authors.

2.   Abstract Review and Selection

A panel of DTA judges will review abstracts and select finalists for the Presentation Competition, which will occur during the 2024 Washington GIS Conference (June 11-13). Competitors are eligible for cash prizes:

  • 1st Place $500
  • 2nd Place $250
  • 3rd Place $125

Students will be notified of their acceptance by Monday, May 13, 2024. 

3.   Presentation Competition

This year's competition will be held in-person at the University of Washington - Tacoma on Thursdya, June 13th, 2024.  

Recordings/ Infographics from Previous Years

2023 - Infographic

2022 - Recording

2021 - Recording

2020 - Recording

Dick Thomas Award Abstract Submission Form

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